Gaining weight too fast during Pregnancy

Gaining weight too fast during Pregnancy

Hello, I am an expecting mother! If you think being pregnant is a ticket to eat a meal, then you are wrong. Cravings during Pregnancy are powerful, but in the other way, they can lead to weight gain. Most women gain weight during Pregnancy, about 25-35 pounds. The basis of a healthy pregnancy is a balanced, nutrient-rich diet one should intake along with regular lightweight exercises.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Expecting mothers need to eat a healthy, balanced diet so that their babies can get all the vital nutrients and grow at a healthy rate. It is essential to gain weight during Pregnancy, but the “right amount of “eight gain.” Always remember” that your weight will affect your baby’s weight dirbaby’s If you are expecting twins, you need to eat 3,000 to 3,500 calories per day.

Being overweight during Pregnancy will affect your child, and if you are overweight before getting pregnant, then you need to lose some weight only under your practitioner’s capractitioner’sses; women should not try to lose weight while being pregnant.


Women who might think that Pregnancy is all a comfortable phase of life are wrong. Pregnancy is not as relaxed as you might think. Gaining weight will further develop problems like backaches, complete exhaustion, leg pains, heartburn, and many more. And if being overweight leads to labor, it might create a much stricter experience of giving birth to a child.


During Pregnancy, gaining weight further develops risks of hypertension and diabetes. These risks can further interfere with your Pregnancy and can make it much harder to manage. Furthermore, it will increase the risks for your baby.

The heavier you will be, the harder your delivery will be. Sometimes, it may require using a vacuum or forceps. Being overweight can increase the chances of C-section delivery. This delivery is complicated for you to recover after the birth of your baby.

Weight Gain Pregnancy
Weight Gain Pregnancy


Gaining weight during Pregnancy will affect you in later phases of your life. After giving birth to a baby, a woman needs to lose the extra fat within six months. All you need is willpower and time to lose this extra baby fat. If a woman does not lose those extra kilos after the birth of her baby, it can lead to serious health issues in her later life, such as obesity, joint pains, etc.


What can you have?

  • Try to have fresh vegetables and fruits. They are low in fats and calories and full of vitamins.
  • You can also have crackers, breads, and cereals made from grains.
  • During Pregnancy, you must consume at least four servings of milk daily. So, do try to avoid fat dairy products.

What do you need to avoid?

  • Drink which contains artificial sweeteners or added sugar
  • Drinks and foods containing sugar or corn syrup
  • High sugar drinks
  • Junk food such as ice cream, candies, cakes and chips
  • Salty foods

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While pregnant, if your practitioner wants you to gain weight, then all you need to follow these tips:-

  • Try to eat 5 to 6 meals a day.
  • Always keep your hand accessible on snacks like cheese, raisins, nuts and crackers, dried fruits, yogurt, or ice cream.
  • Try it with peanut butter spread on bread, celery, a banana, or an apple. Just one tablespoon of peanut butter provides 100 calories and 7 grams of protein.
  • Add nonfat powdered milk to scrambled eggs, hot cereal, or mashed potato.
  • Try adding extra foods to your meals, such as cream cheese, gravy, sour cream, butter, or margarine.


  • Baby: 8 pounds
  • Placenta: 2-3 pounds
  • Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds
  • Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds
  • Blood supply: 4 pounds
  • Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds
  • Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds
  • Total: 25-35 pounds


If you gained weight more than your doctor recommended, you need to talk to your doctor. In most cases, you need to wait until your Pregnancy. Here are some tips that you can follow to lower your rate of weight gain.

Tracking your Weight Gain Chart During Pregnancy:

Tracking your weight gain
Tracking your weight gain


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  • While eating fast food, choose low-fat items, such as broiled chicken breast sandwiches with tomato and lettuce. Avoid junk food with sauces or mayonnaise. You can have a side salad with a low-fat dressing, plain baked potatoes, or plain bagels. Try to avoid French fries, breaded chicken patties, or mozzarella sticks.
  • Try choosing low-fat or fat-free cheese, yogurt, and skim milk products. You need to have at least one serving of milk products every day.
  • Try to limit your intake of sugary or sweetened drinks. Avoid adding salt to the food you eat because salt retains water.
  • Avoid eating high-calorie snacks and sweets like candies, cookies, honey, syrup, and potato chips. These foods contain high calories but low nutrition. Instead of these foods, try to have low-fat yogurt, pretzels, angel food cake with strawberries, or fresh fruits or veggies.
  • Try to use fats in moderation, such as cooking oil, gravy, butter, cheese, regular salad dressings, sauces, sour cream, cream cheese, and mayonnaise. Instead of these foods, try lower-fat alternatives.
  • Try to cook your food healthily. Frying your food in oils or butter will add calories, leading to weight gain. You can try baking, boiling, grilling, or broiling your food. These healthier preparation methods will keep your weight under control during Pregnancy.
Where You Gain The Weight?
Where You Gain The Weight?


Gaining too much weight during Pregnancy will make it harder to lose after childbirth. As per the recommended weight gain, women tend to lose the weight gained during Pregnancy, after the birth of their child, and in the following months. Breastfeeding for more than three months will help you reduce weight, but if you gain a little weight during Pregnancy, it might lead to premature delivery with a low birth weight of the child.

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Gaining the right amount of weight during Pregnancy is essential. All you need to do is follow your diet plan as per the advice of your practitioner. Try to visit your practitioner regularly during Pregnancy to check your weight gain. Gaining weight fast or slow depends on the diet you are taking.


All you need is to cut the useless intake of calories. This doesn’t mean you won’t stop having the food, as you need to take in some calories to keep your baby fed and growing. Losing weight is not at all a good idea during Pregnancy, but the rate of weight gain must be slow. The things that can make a difference are easy, nutritious, calorie-reducing foods like skim milk, fresh fruits, baked potatoes, etc.

  1. Expecting mothers try to monitor their WTE’s Pregnancy. All you need to do is eat the right nutrient-packed foods in the right quantities, and you have to intake the right serving portion at the right time of day.
  2. Try to choose foods that are big on bulk, i.e., foods that keep you full but are low on calories, like fresh green leafy vegetables and fruits (high water content), fish, meat, lean poultry, and oatmeal. Fill yourself with water rather than juice or soda.
  3. You need to trim down the fats, but good fats are necessary for you and your child. Too much fat intake will make you fat. Avoid having fried food, buttered bread, etc.
  4. With the advice of your practitioner, you need to do regular lightweight exercises. You can join a prenatal yoga or exercise class, or you can even add some daily routine exercises like a small park walk, walking up stairs instead of using the elevator, etc.

The shape of women’s figures after Pregnancy changes so much that it might destroy their self-image and enjoyment. The figure leaves women dissatisfied and encourages them to lose those extra kilos gained during Pregnancy. It is unusual not to gain weight during Pregnancy, and you can’t expect to return to your pre-pregnancy weight after giving birth.

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Gaining weight too fast during Pregnancy can pose high risks to the baby and you. Returning to your average pre-pregnancy weight is not difficult if you do not earn much.

Are you expecting a baby? Alternatively, are you planning to have one? Please share your experiences with the readers and help them further.

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