Benefits of Raising Legs for 20 minutes a day.

Benefits of Raising Legs for 20 Minutes a Day

Legs up the wall pose is a yoga posture that tones your thighs, stimulates your pelvic organs, and boosts circulation. This easy-to-practice pose helps relieve mild depression, menstrual pain, and sciatica symptoms.

Legs up the wall pose is a simple yoga posture that tones your thighs, stimulates your pelvic organs, and boosts circulation. It’s suitable for practicing whenever you like – before meditation or as part of any relaxing routine at home or work, for example – but research has shown it to be particularly effective when done for 20 minutes after waking up in the morning.

It is also said to help relieve symptoms of mild depression, menstrual pain, and sciatica (pain that starts in your lower back and then travels through the buttock muscles into the backs of each leg).

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Here are Five Reasons Why You Should Practice it Every Single Day:

1. It Reduces the Risk of Varicose Veins

The simple strain placed on your lower body while having your legs raised helps stimulate lymphatic drainage and reduce pressure in the veins.

Since varicose veins are caused by poor circulation and result in swollen ankles, legs, and sometimes even thighs, regular practice of this pose can help prevent or correct such issues.

2. It Relieves Tiredness and Stiffness in The Limbs

Many people complain of an aching sensation in their limbs when they wake up, mainly because gravity works against them as they sleep.

Elevating your legs on a wall allows blood (and therefore oxygen) to flow freely through them. It also stimulates the release of endorphins, hormones responsible for making you happy.

3. It Improves Immunity by Increasing Lymph Flow

The lymphatic system, often called the body’s ‘sewer system,’ collects toxins and waste material from all over the body via a network of vessels that transport them to the bloodstream for elimination.

While it usually does its job efficiently, if your immune system is weak, it becomes sluggish and less efficient at removing germs and bacteria before they cause infection. Lymph drainage massage – which entails applying pressure on specific body parts to help remove this fluid – has improved immunity by up to 40 percent.

Adding legs up the wall pose to your daily self-care routine will further boost lymph drainage, allowing your body to defend itself against illness more efficiently.

4. It Boosts Blood and Lymph Circulation in The Head and Neck

Keeping your head, neck, and shoulders relaxed is an integral part of this pose; if not, they can strain the vena cava, one of the body’s most extensive veins that carries de-oxygenated blood from the lower half to the heart.

This may result in dizziness, nausea, or even fainting (a common side-effect among pregnant women). While having your legs up increases blood flow to these areas, it also aids with lymphatic drainage, so both systems work optimally, and you feel great.

5. Bolsters Immunity by Increasing Cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone released by your adrenal glands in response to stress and low blood sugar; it improves blood sugar levels, suppresses the immune system, and aids fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism.

While cortisol is essential in the body, regulating its release becomes difficult when constantly exposed to stressors that disrupt homeostasis (physical or mental tension).

This is where the legs up the wall pose can help: strengthening your bones and muscles while promoting relaxation through gently positioning your body.

Since yoga helps regulate cortisol production via deep breathing, meditation, and various other calming techniques, regular practice of this posture will ensure the release of just the right amount of these hormones for optimal health.

Legs up the wall pose is a great way to end a yoga session, but you can also add it to your daily self-care routine by performing it once or twice daily for at least 10 minutes. Gradually build up the time to maintain proper alignment and efficiently perform this pose.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, experiment by adding meditation or other yogic practices such as chanting ‘om.’

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How Long Should I Elevate My Legs Each Day?

Once you’re comfortable with this pose, begin by holding it for the duration of an inhale and exhale. Gradually work up to 10 minutes daily, but ensure that your entire body is aligned so no part of it strains. If you want to practice meditation or chanting ‘om,’ do so after bringing your legs down from the wall.

How High Should I Elevate My Legs?

Your upper thigh, hip, and torso should all be 90 degrees to avoid pressure on vulnerable areas such as the pelvic floor, tailbone, or lower back.

However, if you are pregnant or suffer from cardiovascular issues, place a blanket under your buttocks before attempting this pose; this will help protect these vulnerable areas while allowing you sufficient leg elevation.

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