Hyperpigmentation: Causes, Types, and Tips Treatment

Hyperpigmentation: Causes, Types, and Tips Treatment:

Hyperpigmentation is a skin situation that occurs most of the time due to overexposure to the sun; it will darken your skin and nails due to excess sun exposure. The prime reason for Hyperpigmented skin is UV rays. During the situation, a few spots on the skin turn smudgy and off-color. These types of spots are known as macules. The streaks will vary depending on the intensity of UV rays you’re exposed to and the skin tone. The logic behind the hyperpigmentation is that it affects the production of melanin, melanin is the pigment which is found in the living organisms, and it is a broad term actually which has different groups under it.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation

There are lots of things that can affect skin hyperpigmentation, such as taking certain medicines like antibiotics, being exposed to the sun’s UV rays for a long time, or having skin diseases like acne vulgarism. No matter what you call hyperpigmentation, dark spots, uneven skin tone, or skin damage, it is skin damage. Here are a few reasons that you might not know can cause hyperpigmentation.

hyperpigmentation tips
hyperpigmentation tips

1) Bra: Yes, your bra can be the culprit here; wearing an excellent bra will make your boobs look nicer but keep in mind that if the bra is too tight, then constant friction with your bra and skin can cause severe damage to your skin. This type of hyperpigmentation is called “Bra Burn.” So, before buying your bra, ensure the strap fits ideally without much friction.

2) Hair Removal Treatments: Tweezers and other rigid methods that damage your skin, such as ripping out your hair or using unnatural hair removal creams or wax, can cause hyperpigmentation. So be careful about using harsh techniques to remove hair, be gentle while using wax, or use other proper methods.

3) Computer: That might sound odd to you, but yes, a laptop can cause hyperpigmentation. Using a laptop or computer for excess time on your thighs will affect your skin with the heat that your laptop generates. This type of hyperpigmentation is known as “erythema ab igne.”

4) Food: Lime and lemon can be hurtful to your skin if they are taken improperly or with odd stuff. This type of citrusy food has substances that will damage your skin if exposed to UV rays from the sun. Most of the time, this happens while you drink a cocktail squeezed with lime or lemon in it, making an odd combination that ultimately results in skin damage. This type of hyperpigmentation is called bartender’s burn.

5) Changing Hormones: A child experiences many hormonal changes every day. In some cases, the level of melanin changes drastically, resulting in damaged skin, dark spots, pimples, and other skin-related issues.

Types of Hyperpigmentation:

1) Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: This is caused by acute acne, which causes dark spots on the skin. It is also known as PIH. Most of the time, the dark spots appear on the face of the patient. Patients with this type of hyperpigmentation are requested to stay away from direct sunlight.

2) Hypopigmentation: This is also known as reverse hyperpigmentation, which causes white spots on the skin. The patient is advised not to scratch the area of damage, as this can cause the smudges to be permanent. Laser surgeries can cure this.

3) Melasma: Melasma, also known as Chloasma, damages the skin of the forehead and leaves smudges on the cheeks and nose. A survey found that around 30% of patients have genetic issues, and around 15% have hormonal issues. It is also found in AIDS patients.


Tips on Treatments of Hyperpigmentation:

1) Skin Analysis: A skin analysis is crucial for the successful treatment of hyperpigmentation. We highly recommend a professional dermatologist do it. An experienced dermatologist will look for the origin of the problem and, based on that, recommend the most effective cure. Based on your lifestyle, they will gather the data and give you conclusions and treatment options.

2) Medical History: Before starting a treatment for hyperpigmentation, a doctor must know about your medical history. They should be aware of your allergies, past medicine intake, food habits, and everything else that can help them cure the hyperpigmentation. They also must be mindful of any diagnosed diseases they have had in the past or current.

3) Eating Habits: Food can be one cause of hyperpigmentation, so the doctor must be aware of your eating habits as well. They should know how much and what you eat at what time and quantity. The more detail, the faster the treatment of hyperpigmentation will be.

4) Birth control pills: If you’re a woman suffering from hyperpigmentation, then it is wise to let a dermatologist know about your recent intake of birth control pills and your menstrual cycle. Details would be helpful if you’ve been recently pregnant or had a child.

5) UV Exposure: Are you the person overexposed to the UV rays? Do you work under the sun? Better provide information on how much time you spend under the sun rays and precautions you take to keep yourself safe from harmful UV Rays.

Patients with hyperpigmentation are advised to stay away from sun and citrusy food, take proper advice from the dermatologist, and offer them as much information as possible. This piece was written to provide general information about hyperpigmentation and its causes and types.

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