Hyperpigmentation for Face Treatment

Hyperpigmentation for Face Treatment

Overexposure to the Sun’s radiation leads to dark spots and blemishes on the face. The appearance of scars and freckles on the face is called hyperpigmentation.

Types of hyperpigmentation:

Table of Contents

Different types of hyperpigmentation affect them differently.

Melisma is a type of pigmentation in which dark spots occupy the nose, cheeks, and upper lip. Melisma occurs due to an imbalance in the secretion of hormones.

Lento or Lent genes: Spots on the skin with large amounts of melanocytes are called lent genes. They are flat or oval spots, mostly brown in color, and are also called liver spots. They commonly occur due to chronic sun exposure. Lent genes can be treated with laser or cry therapy. Hydroquinone is not effective on liver spots.

hyperpigmentation tips
hyperpigmentation tips

 Solar lent genes: They are also called sun spots or age spots. Solar lent genes are freckles that occur due to sun exposure.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation: There are many causes of hyperpigmentation. Some of them are given below:

  1. Heat: Heat or excess sun exposure is the main environmental reason for the appearance of blemishes, dark spots, freckles, and scars on the face. Due to overexposure to the suSunUltraviolet rays leave harsh effects on the face and other sun-exposed areas like the legs, neck, and hands.
  2. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Sometimes, any injury, pimple, cut, or abrasion leaves marks on the body. These marks become prominent and permanent with time, resulting in hyperpigmentation.
  3. Side effects of medicines: Sometimes, the side effects of certain drugs and treatments result in dark spots and blemishes on the face.


Many treatments are available to reduce and remove dark spots and blemishes from the face. The most effective and necessary to be followed are given below:

Sunscreen: Sun rays are the main cause of dark spots on the face. Most of the spots occur due to UV rays. To save oneself from the suSun’sverheating, it is necessary to use sunscreen with subsequent amounts of SPF (Sun Protection Factor). One must apply sunscreen lotion to the face and other sun-exposed areas about half an hour before leaving home so that it can be fully absorbed into the skin before exposure.

Laser treatments: Laser treatments can be effective and bring immediate results, but they are very expensive, risky, and do not suit every skin type. One such therapy is IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy, which targets selective dark spots only.

Acid peel: There are many home acid peels that are not harmful and have good results. Glycolic acid is the most popular acid peel. It can be extracted from sugarcane. Salicylic acid is also useful and famous, extracted from willow tree bark. It is effective in controlling hyperpigmentation.

Topical applications: Topical applications are helpful in treating hyperpigmentation of all types. Bleaching or skin-lightening creams containing alpha hydroxyl acids and retinol exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin. The main chemicals present in bleaching creams are hydroquinone, colic acid, azelaic acid, and mandelic acid. Natural sources of hydroquinone are bearberry and mulberry. These extracts can be made at home. Hydroquinone is the only skin-lightening treatment approved by the FDA.

Hydroquinone does not suit every skin type, so a good dermatologist should be consulted before using this treatment. Koljic acid is derived from fungus. It helps in curing hyperpigmentation. Azelaic acid has been developed to treat acne, but this also cures hyperpigmentation. Mandelic acid is derived from almonds. This also checks pigmentation. The bleaching creams containing the above ingredients are effective but take a lot of time to fade away dark spots and freckles.

Homemade remedies: Many home remedies are effective in curing hyperpigmentation. They do not cause any side effects, are easily available in the kitchen or grocery store, and are also very cheap.

Avocado: Take an avocado fruit. Mash it to make a paste. Apply it to the face. Allow it to dry. Rinse it off with cold water. Avocado is a rich source of Vitamin C and oleic acid, both of which are good for the skin.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that cannot be synthesized in the body. It is essential for maintaining skin health. A Vitamin E capsule should be consumed and applied to the face. A good tip is to snip the end of the capsule and apply the oil directly to the skin. Vitamin E is also found in almonds, sunflower seeds, fish, squash, and pumpkins.

1 thought on “Hyperpigmentation for Face Treatment”

  1. I am 18 days post op from the pulsed CO 2 laser under my eyes and around my mouth. Last night without thinking, I opened oven set at 350 degrees to remove roast and completely forgot about my face which is just about completely healed. It turned quite red on the too of my cheek bone and underneath my left eye.

    I immediately put Biafine cream and a mild moisturizer on it. When I woke up today it is a little better but still quite red. Have I injured my skin and will this cause hyperpigmentation. What can I do now. Will it peel which it has just recovered from?

    Thank you for so much for your help. I’m so worried.

    Regards, Nina


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