10+ Effective Yoga Asana & Pranayama Exercises to Stop Hair Loss
Everyone – men and women- wants to have shiny and silky hair, and strength is also necessary. But most of them have dull hair and so many hair problems. A busy and stressful lifestyle causes most hair problems. Between a busy schedule and workload, you might be unable to take proper care of your hair. And even if you find time to nourish and care for your hair, shampoo, conditioner, and many more chemical-based hair products will be a reason for lifeless hair.
For naturally shiny and smooth hair, one needs to practice natural therapy. One practical and widely used treatment is Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises. Worldwide, people practice Yogasana for better health and a healthier lifestyle. Not many people know the effects of yoga asana on hair and the prevention of hair loss.
Yoga Asana & Pranayama Exercises to Stop Hair Loss
Table of Contents
Mainly, all the conditions related to your body are caused by a stressful life. That is the reason people suffer from Heart Disease, Blood Pressure Problems, Skin Problems, and Hair Fall is also one of these things. Other than such stress, unhealthy lifestyles, including Smoking, Drinking, Improper Diet, Hormonal Imbalance, Overexposure to Sun – UV Rays, Excess Usage of Chemical products, etc., are also responsible factors.
A wide range of beauty and hair care products is available in the market to stop hair loss. You can go to the nearest store or order online, but not all these are helpful. Moreover, they contain many types of chemicals. One way or another, they will make things even worse with your hair. Hence, to prevent hair loss, one should think about some natural way that won’t be harmful and has no side effects.
We are discussing effective Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises to Stop Hair Loss. Below are various useful Yoga Asanas that, if you practice daily, will stop hair loss and improve overall health. For ages, Yoga has been proven to be one of the most efficient ways to maintain physical and mental health. It heals all three—mind, Body, and Soul. With improved blood circulation, you will see the miraculous effects of these Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises.
Once you start Yoga Asana, it will benefit your entire body’s health. Specific types of Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises improve digestion and help reduce body ‘siety. Even several poses of Yoga Asana keep your head in a position in which improved blood flow goes throughout your head, and enhanced circulation will be circulated through your scalp.
10+ Effective Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises to Stop Hair Loss:
Adho Mukha Svanasana: [Downward-Facing Dog Pose]
How to do it:
- It would be good to use a Yoga mat while you’re practicing Yoga Asana.
- For Adho Mukha Svanasana, get into the Push-Ups position on your Yoga you’re Now, keep your face towards the ground and extend your hands forward, shoulder-width.
- Bend your upper body downwards and strengthen your legs.
- Keep your knees unbent.
- From toe to hips, keep your body straight.
- Now, hold your breath for a few seconds.
- Beginners need to practice this Adho Mukha Svanasana in the morning with an empty stomach.
- Hold the position for several seconds in the starting days, and then you can keep the pose for about 2 to 3 minutes.
With this pose, your head is bent forward, which lets the blood flow towards your head. The improved blood circulation then flows into the entire body, improving digestion. From toe to spine and from head to hands, many parts of your body stretch out. Even the spine and neck have beneficial effects from this stretching. It releases stress throughout your body and helps to relax your mind and body.
Uttanasana: [Standing Forward Bend Pose]
How to do it:
- To do Uttanasana, stand straight on your Yoga mat.
- Bend slowly towards the ground by bending your spine through the waist.
- While bending forward, take your hand to your legs towards your feet.
- Do not bend your knees.
- Try to touch your forehead to the knees without bending your knees.
- Keep your hands straight and your elbow on the sides of your knees.
- Let your hands’ fingertips touch the rear part of the feet.
- When your stomach is empty, preferably in your hands, perform the Uttanasana.
- Other than morning, choose evening time, when your stomach is not so full, at least 5 to 7 after having the meal.
- In the beginning, try to hold the pose for a few seconds.
- Later on, you will be able to hold the pose for more time.
The Uttanasana keeps your head downwards, facing the ground. Because of that, blood rushes towards the head, and cells in the head get improved blood flow. Any of the issues regarding headaches can be cured with the help of this asana. Even your stomach is stretched here so that digestive muscles will get massaged. It will result in preventing constipation problems. Regular practicing Uttanasana will enhance your overall body and rejuvenate your health.
Vajrasana: [Thunderbolt Pose/ Diamond Pose]
How to do it:
- At first, kneel on the floor quickly.
- Keep your spine straight and heels together.
- While kneeling down, bend your knees so that after sitting, your feet’ soles are supposed to touch your buttocks.
- Keep your hands bent at the elbow, keep your finger right, and touch your thigh and knee.
- Your fingers are supposed to be faced down.
- Relax in the pose.
- Deep breaths for a few minutes.
- After moving out of the pose, stretch your legs forward.
- This is a relaxed pose; keep breathing and hold the pose for several minutes.
It is believed that Pranayama done in Vajrasna gives you the strength of a diamond, also known as the diamond pose. This asana is among the few that should be done after the meal. Beginners need to hold the post for at least 5 to 10 minutes, whereas it can be done for several minutes regularly. When done daily, the Vajrasana, i.e., Thunderbolt Pose, helps against constipation. It keeps your mind calm and clear. Also, it helps people lose weight and reduces obesity. This pose also helps maintain blood circulation and bends muscles, giving you strength.
Pawanmuktasana: [Wind Relieving Pose]
How to do it:
- Lie on the ground as your back lies on the ground.
- Look straight towards the ceiling.
- Inhale deeply and then move your left leg upwards to the chest.
- Get your hands to help the leg to go up.
- Try to get the left leg’s knee near your chest.
- Hold the pose and exhale entirely.
- Then, put your leg back gently to its usual position on the ground.
- Now, inhale and do the same with your right leg.
- Repeat as the left leg – do the inhale and exhale similarly.
Pawanmuktasana is supposed to be done in the morning with an empty stomach. It mainly helps with digestion and also relieves gas. Too much fat from the abdomen and buttocks is burned slowly. Any issues regarding stomach and gas can be prevented with regular exercise of this pose. Your stomach and abdominal organs get stretched, hence helping burn belly fat. After regular practice, you will be easily able to hold the pose for about 40 to 60 seconds.
Sirsasana: [Headstand Pose]
How to do it:
- Sit on the ground by placing your hips resting on the heels.
- Then, bend forward by keeping your forearm on the ground.
- Interlock both hands’ fingers with each other.
- Slowly place your fingers against your head, lift your knees off the floor, and firmly place your head on the floor.
- Give balance/ base to your head while your entire body goes upside down.
- Inhale and hold the pose as long as you can.
- Then exhale slowly and get on the floor the same way you went up.
You might have heard of this pose as the Head Stand. It is considered the King of Yogasana due to its many benefits and the way it differs from other poses. When seeing the pictures of the Sirsasana, you might find it quite tricky to do, but once you master the pose, you will know that it is not that hard. Through this posture, blood flow toward the brain is improved; hence, it will nourish your mind. It is also able to cure thyroid and many other problems.
One more important thing to remember is that Sirsasana is supposed to be done in the morning, most preferably. This is because you need to have a gap of almost 10 to 12 hours from the last meal to do this pose. After mastering it, hold the pose for around 2 to 5 minutes as your body supports.
Surya Namaskar: [Sun Salutation]
Surya Namaskar contains a total of 12 different poses/ Asanas, viz.
Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Padhastasana (Hand To Foot Pose)
Shwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
Santolanasana (Inner Equanimity Pose)
Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Points)
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)
Ashwa Sanchalanasana ( Equestrian Pose)
Padahastasana (Hand To Foot Pose)
Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
Each of these twelve Asanas has numerous benefits for the entire body. For ages, Rishis have been doing the Surya Namaskara to maintain good health and live longer. It helps reduce weight, and the whole body’s blood circulation can also be improved. Concentrating on inhaling, exhaling, and holding your breath at specific points is also essential while doing the Surya Namaskar.
Sarvangasana: [All Limb Pose]
How to do it:
- Lie down on the floor, facing upwards.
- Slowly try to get your legs into the upper direction.
- Keep your hands on the ground.
- Bend your body from the upper part, if possible, through your neck.
- Get your entire body upwards, slowly.
- Please keep your hands straight on the ground, bend them, and interlock the fingers.
- Joined/ interlocked fingers will support you in getting your body upwards.
- Hold the post for a few seconds.
The Sarvangasana (All Limb Pose) is also said to be the Queen of all Asanas. It is pretty challenging to do, as it involves bending the entire body through the neck. Be careful while performing it, and if you need to, get guidance from an instructor. Your whole body, including your Shoulders, Stomach, Back, and Legs, gets stretched through this pose. It is one of the advanced-level Hatha Yoga Poses. It is supposed to be done when you have an empty stomach. Try to hold the pose for about 30 to 60 seconds.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose):
How to do it:
- Kneel on the Yoga mat, place your hands on the hips.
- Keep your knees in line with your shoulders.
- Your feet’s sole is supposed to be facing the ceiling.
- Inhale slowly and draw in your tailbone towards your feet.
- Get into the pose as if you’re getting pulled from the navel.
- While doing that, arch your back and slide your palms towardsyou’refeet, over your feet.
- Keep your arms straight.
- Keep your neck in a neutral position.
- Keep inhaling – exhaling for a few breaths, and hold the pose.
- Slowly release the pose.
The Ustrasana (Camel Pose) helps to improve digestion. As you just read, your entire body is stretched in this pose, including your back and shoulder muscles. Spine flexibility is improved with this pose. For women, it helps to regulate their menstrual cycle and releases tension in the ovaries.
How to do it:
- Kneel on the floor while resting your hips on the heels.
- Slowly bend forward and get your hips off the heels.
- Get the forehead/ crown of your head towards the floor, near your knees.
- Try to touch the floor/ knees.
- Keep your hands holding the heels.
- After touching the ground, hold the position.
- Try to hold it for about 4 to 5 breaths.
- Then slowly go to the starting position, kneel on the floor, resting your hips on the heels.
As we discussed, your head touches the floor, so blood flow is directed towards your scalp. Improved blood circulation helps a healthy scalp, which leads to healthy hair. When the spine and back are stretched, people have back problems, and this pose heals the pain. Back and neck pressure is released through this pose.
Anuloma Viloma: [Alternate Nostril Breathing]
How to do it:
- Sit simply in Padmasana.
- Keep your eyes closed.
- Relax your entire body.
- Rest your hands on your knees.
- Now, take your right thumb and close the right nostril.
- Inhale as much as you can through the left nostril.
- Remove your hand from the right nostril and close the left nostril.
- Exhale through the right nostril while keeping the left nostril closed.
- While doing this, keep your mind calm and focus on your deep breaths.
- Concentrate your focus on the Pranayama which you are doing now.
- Do the same with your left nostril and right hand, repeat inhale – exhale both processes.
With regular practice of Anuloma and Viloma, you can improve your inhale-exhale and lung function. It even helps those who suffer from depression and tension. These are among the main reasons for hair loss, so Pranayama will help you. Those who regularly perform this Pranayama relax their minds and strengthen their brains.
Kapalbhati Pranayama:
How to do it:
- Sit on your yoga mat, which is accessible in Vajrasana.
- Those with issues regarding their back or spine can sit on the floor with the help of the wall, resting on the wall.
- You have to sit straight and force your breath out – exhale in short intervals.
- For beginners, take the interval of 20 to 30 breaths at the start.
- Those who are regularly practicing the pose can go up to 200 breaths.
This Pranayama helps in various ways to heal your body. Regular Kapalbhati Pranayama practice helps in losing belly fat. This pose is associated with lungs and breathing, so it strengthens the lungs. Improved blood flows throughout the entire body. Regular practice helps activate brain cells, eventually resulting in improved memory and concentration power. It even helps in healing in stress, dark circles around eyes also go away and helps your hair grow.
Apanasana: [Knee to Chest Yoga Pose]
How to do it:
- Just lie on your back on your Yoga mat.
- Keep your spine straight.
- Now, bend your right knee and get it towards your chest.
- Interlock your fingers on the shin below the knee.
- While doing this with your right leg, keep your left leg straight.
- Take your right knee towards your armpit, and relax your neck and shoulders.
- Your back will feel pressure on the ground.
- While you exhale, you can feel your stomach pressure against your thigh.
- Do the same with the left leg, moving towards your chest, while the right leg is straight on the ground.
With regular practice, this pose helps prevent/reduce excess anger, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc. problems. These are some of the reasons for most people’s hair loss. When you cure these ideas, your hair will grow naturally. Regular Yoga practice poses help purify your body by flushing out toxins from the body. Even with improved blood circulation, hair follicles are stimulated, and hair grows naturally.
Uttanpadasana: [Leg Raised Yoga Pose]
How to do it:
- Lie down on your Yoga mat, placing your back on the ground.
- Keep both hands on the sides, flat.
- Your palms should be facing downwards, fingers straight.
- Relax your body.
- Inhale, and leave your legs around 45 to 60 degrees upward from the ground.
- After lifting your legs, hold the pose for a few seconds.
- Get back to normal position.
- After regular practice, you can hold the pose for around 15 to 20 seconds.
Lifting your legs puts pressure on your stomach, which can cure various problems, such as acidity, indigestion, constipation, etc. Abdominal organs are also strengthened, as are hip, Back, and Thigh muscles.
Those who have gas problems, arthritis, heart problems, and waist pain will heal their bodies with regular practice of this pose. Even diabetes is controlled by this Yoga Pose. With this pose, the entire body gets improved blood flow, and hair will grow naturally.
Each of the mentioned Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises has numerous benefits. To obtain more benefits, practice Yoga regular poses as per instructions. To learn more about these poses, how to do their steps, and what to remember, consult a yoga instructor and get all the essential details. With daily practice, miraculous effects of Yoga can be achieved.
With those results, not only will your hair grow naturally but also your entire body will be fit and healthy. Moreover, Yoga Asana and Pranayama Exercises have been practiced for ages and give peace of mind.
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