Infertility Treatments
Hello friends! Are you facing a severe challenge of getting pregnant? About 25% of couples are facing this severe problem of infertility. Do you have any idea about infertility? Infertility is a stage where, despite unprotected intercourse between couples, the female partner conceives a baby. Infertility is may be due a combination of factors or may be due to a single cause. Luckily, we have various effective infertility treatments that further really improve the chances of getting pregnant.
Some infertility problems can be more easily treated than some of the major ones. About around and above the age of 35, the chances of women getting pregnant go down with time, but chances of miscarriage increase. There are various steps that younger couples usually take, but doctors don’t recommend them to older couples. This is just because, being older, the chances of getting pregnant decrease yearly. If, anyhow, at older age, women conceive, then there is no guarantee that she will have a healthy baby. On the other hand, many other developments have made many couple couples come true.
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We hope that you all have a specific idea about infertility. Infertility means, within some parameters, you are not able to get pregnant. It is a pretty common problem among 10% of women above 35 years of age. It can be due to the women (33%), men (33%), or can be from both (33%) due to some unknown problems. Here, we will discuss some causes of infertility, risk factors that increase the cause of infertility, and treatments. In terms of infertility treatment, doctors use the history of both partners, and then they may run the tests, which include sperm studies, laparoscopy, ultrasound, ovulation tests, or hysterosalpingography. Based on the test results and various other factors, the problem of infertility can be treated by assisted reproductive technology, medicine, artificial insemination, or surgery.
Causes of Infertility
Table of Contents
- About 25% chances are of unexplained infertility
- About 25% chances are of ovulatory disorders
- There is about a 20% chance of tubal damage
- The highest, around 30%, chances are male factors
- At least 10% chances are of uterine or peritoneal disorders
In about 40% of infertility cases, the defects are found in both partners. Factors like gamete or embryo defects and uterine or endometrial defects play very crucial roles in other pelvic conditions like endometriosis.
Infertility is a widespread problem among couples, but this problem is not at all related to women only. This problem is related to both of the counterparts many times. Only about one-third factors of men and women are affected by these infertility problems, while the other is a mixture of both factors.
Infertility Symptoms
Within about six months of trying, couples achieve pregnancy. After over 12 months of unprotected intercourse, around 90% of couples get pregnant. Most people conceive without treatments, but few having infertility problems tend to have treatment to conceive a baby.
A significant sign of infertility is not getting pregnant after much trying. And finally, couples need to consult a doctor for treatment. Usually, in some cases, infertile women may have irregular or absent menstrual periods. In the case of infertile men, it may be because of some hormonal problems, including hair growth or sexual function.
Do you think that infertility is a common problem only in women? Yes! Then you’you’retaken. Infertility is a widespread problem among both women and men. Only about 1/3rd of infertility cases are caused by women, depending on the causes of infertility as well as from whom the problem is, whether from the women’s owomen’slainbotmen’sunexplainedsome good news for all our readers: about 85%-90% of the couples who are dealing with the issue of infertility are treated with various low-tech treatments with 100% results, which include surgery, medication, and many more.
Causes of Infertility in Men
- Varicocele (veins of the testicles are too large)
- Producing too many or no sperms
- Sperm movement depends on the shape of the sperm
Factors Increase the Man’s Risk of InfMan’sity
- HeavyInfMan’sityn of alcohol or drugs
- Smoking
- Environmental toxins
- Heavy medicine doses
- Age factor
- Cancer treatment, which includes chemotherapy or radiotherapy
- Various health problems such as problems with hormones, severe disease
Causes of Infertility in Women
- Ovulation problems
- Fallopian tubes blocked
- Any physical defects with the uterus
- Uterine fibroids
Factors Increases the Woman’s Risk of IWoman’sity
- Age Women or poor diet
- Weight being over or under
- Smoking or excess alcohol consumption
- Diseases that are sexually transmitted
- Health problems which include primary ovarian insufficiency or ovarian syndrome
Treatment of Infertility in Men
- Sexual problems like premature ejaculation, as well as impotence, are treated with medicines as well as can be treated through behavioral therapy.
- At times, surgery may help with problems like few sperm or none at all. Through surgeries, doctors try to remove the sperm from the reproductive tract. Antibiotics can also help.
- No sperm movement due to blocking of the system tract. Surgeries may help.
Surgeries do help in correcting the problem of infertility in women as well. But women are advised to follow some medicines:-
- Clomiphene citrate (Clomid)
- Repronex, Pergonal
- Gonal-F, Follistim
- Metformin (Glucophage)
- Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
These are fertility drugs that will help in treating the woman’s infertiliwoman’sy may even further lead to the chances of conceiving twins or multiples.
Infertility Treatments
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Unexplained infertility
Cervical mucus problem
Male factors infertility (mild)
- Assisted Reproductive Technology
- IVF (in vitro fertilization)
- ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer)
- ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
- Surrogacy
- Gestational carrier
When is the need to consult a Doctor?
- Age between 35-40 years, trying to conceive
- Age above 40 years should get treatment
- Irregular menstruation
- Painful periods
- Cancer treatment
- More than one miscarriage
- Sperm problems such as low count
- Sexual problems history
- Cancer treatment
Have you ever thought about the complications you will be dealing with in your infertility treatment? No! Don’t worry at alDoDon’tre here toalDon’tou all deal with the complications. Various complications are related to multiple pregnancies. Treatment of Elective Single Embryo Transfer is pretty much associated with reduced risks of preterm birth and low birth rate compared to Double Embryo Transfer. Still, it is associated with higher preterm birth risks as compared to spontaneously conceived singletons.
The most severe complication of all the complications is Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This complication occurs during ongoing treatment with ovarian stimulation techniques. It is usually present with lower abdominal discomfort, abdominal distension, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The signs that include severe disease and further need to be hospitalized are:-
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
- Presence of ascites
- Oliguria
- Rapid weight gain
- U&E/other metabolic abnormalities
These incidents might be reduced with careful tailoring of all the embryo implantation techniques and pharmacological agents used. Various new strategies are also introduced to prevent OHSS from developing during the treatment.
A General Care
The time of treatment is a difficult time for the couples, and they need support and reassurance only if they have much pressure from in-laws as well as their parents. We have many stories where couples conceived after losing their hopes. Couples having infertility problems might consult a doctor at the very first stage because sometimes counseling is not appropriate; infertility problems create psychological stress.
Women tending to conceive must be informed about their dietary supplementation with folic acid just before conception and continue it up to 12 weeks of gestation. This will only help in reducing the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects.
All you need is to think and take time. Before starting any treatment, discuss with your partner about how far you both can and will go for the treatment. For instance, you want to try medicines, surgery, or both. It might be possible that you change your mind in between your treatments, and to be secure, it is pretty good to have an idea of where you want to go and end. Treatments are expensive, and even insurance that doesn’t cover all doesn’t and makes accordingly. Infertility treatments are costly, but one should consult their doctors so the problem might not become more serious.
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