Humira for Psoriasis Side effects – Treatment – Cost

Humira for Psoriasis Side Effects – Treatment – Cost

Psoriasis or Psoriasis Vulgaris is a skin disease that makes irregular patches on the skin. A person with Psoriasis has an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancers, and ulcerative colitis. The abnormal skin patches in Psoriasis can be red, itchy, and scaly. The disease affects both man and woman equally, currently it affects 2-4% of the population. Psoriasis is incurable, but various treatments can help minimize the symptoms, such as steroid creams, methotrexate, and ultraviolet light.

Humira for Psoriasis Side effects - Treatment - Cost
Humira for Psoriasis Side Effects – Treatment – Cost

Psoriasis causes rapid development of the layers of the skin, which results in abnormal patches.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

The signs and symptoms of Psoriasis can depend on the type of Psoriasis you are suffering from. Some common symptoms can be related to Psoriasis.

  • Itchy and painful plaques that sometimes bleed and crack.
  • Plaques with red, tender skin covered in silver-colored scales.
  • They changed color or discoloration of fingernails and toenails.
  • Nails may start detaching from the nail bed.
  • Scalp filled with scratchy plaques.
  • If scratched, bleeding starts from the skin.

A few things can lead to Psoriasis, such as Genetics; in a survey, around one-third of the people with the disease reported that they had Psoriasis in their family history.

Other causes of Psoriasis can be an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, change in climate, and excessive smoking and alcohol can lead to Psoriasis. People with HIV also have the threat of getting Psoriasis.

Types of Psoriasis

There are eight types of Psoriasis, and they are classified based on histological characteristics.

  • Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
  • Pustulosis Palmaris et Plantaris
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Inverse Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis Vulgaris
  • Acrodermatitis Continua
  • Guttate Psoriasis
  • Psoriatic Spondylitis

What is Humira?

Humira stands for Human Monoclonal Antibody In Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is the latest treatment for Psoriasis. With the help of Humira, one can reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Humira belongs to the Biologics class of drugs; it is approved by the FDA to treat Psoriasis. According to a recent survey, in 24 weeks of treatment with Humira injections every two weeks, more than 65% of patients have experienced an enormous reduction in symptoms. Around 90% of the patients reported that their quality of life has increased and is no longer affected by Psoriasis.

The time it takes Humira to work.

Patients who tried Humira as a treatment report that they are experiencing change from day one, and for others, it takes around two to three months to see the effects.

It is recommended that patients complete the total treatment plan.

Still the Psoriasis is not curable but with the help of Humira one can control inflammation and get relief in pain, it is long-term treatment and if one stops taking the medications can result into resurfacing of pain and inflammation.

Few things one should know before taking Humira

Patients allergic to medicines containing Polysorbate 80, Sodium Chloride, Critic Acid Monohydrate, Monobasic Sodium, Sodium Citrate, Phosphate Dehydrate, Adalimumab, or Mannitol should NOT take Humira as medication.

It may result in itching, puffiness of the lips and skin, breathing issues, skin rash, and shortness of breath.

People with active Tuberculosis and other infections result from weak immune systems.

Inform your doctor regarding the list mentioned below

  • Heart conditions
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Cancer
  • Infections such as ulcer
  • Fungal Infection
  • Allergies
  • Family history of Tuberculosis
  • If you are a carrier of Hepatitis B

The information in the article is very general, and it is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before implementing any of the abovementioned treatments. We recommend Humira for the treatment of Psoriasis. We would love to hear in the comments if you have had any success with it or have had any experience with it.

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