Why does my Stomach hurt when I Exercise?

Why Does My Stomach Hurt when I Exercise

Stomachaches while exercising could have various causes, from the common (eating before working out) to the less common (a hernia). If you experience this kind of pain and it’s not going away, or you’re concerned for any other reason, visit your doctor.

Stomach pain can also signify other conditions, such as heartburn, indigestion, and ulcers.

You may have an upset stomach from exercise if:

– you experience a sharp or stabbing pain in the abdomen during strenuous activity

– this pain occurs during or shortly after exercising and is not relieved by rest or other gentle movements

– it subsides within a day to three weeks without treatment

These symptoms indicate that something is wrong with your digestive system – you should seek medical advice. In many cases, you’ll be told that there’s no apparent cause for your problem and that it will disappear on its own.

Solutions for stomachaches that come from exercising

– Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise to keep your digestive system hydrated. Dehydration can contribute to indigestion.

– Eat a light meal an hour before working out. A heavy meal will make you feel full when you should be feeling empty, leading to nausea or cramps. The food you eat before exercising also needs to contain carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle repair afterward – milk is an excellent pre-workout choice because it includes these essential ingredients.

Warning: Don’t try this if you have diabetes, as the high sugar content in milk may cause insulin spikes.

Avoid fizzy drinks or gassy foods such as beans and cabbage before exercising. These will only make you feel worse.

– Avoid eating large amounts of sugar, such as soft drinks and sweets, shortly before exercise. Sugar can cause bloating and cramps in some people.

– Exercise with a friend if possible, so you can keep each other company while you work out – but not too close! Being around your sweaty pal may be enough to bring on indigestion or nausea.

Exercise is good for you, though it causes stomach pain. So I suggest that you don’t stop it, continue it regularly.

Why does my Stomach hurt when I Exercise? 2

Should I stop exercising if my stomach hurts?

Not necessarily. If you’ve tried these tips and it still hurts when you exercise, something else might happen.

Stomach pain during or after exercising can sometimes indicate a medical problem that needs immediate attention, such as appendicitis, kidney stones, or even heart problems.

( As I mentioned earlier, stomachaches from exercising are usually nothing serious, but if they’re accompanied by other symptoms like fever, vomiting, blood in your stool, shortness of breath, or severe abdominal pain), see your doctor immediately.)

However, stomachaches from exercising are generally caused by minor irritations of the digestive system. In most cases, they’re due to “mechanical” problems—that is, cramps and aches triggered by a particular activity or position.

– Cramps: Although nobody knows precisely why muscle cramps occur, it’s thought that low levels of potassium or calcium in the blood may be involved. If you experience leg pain when exercising, try stretching the muscles before and after working out.

Also, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, as dehydration can contribute to cramping. If you suffer cramps, some people find relief from soaking their feet in hot water before bedtime.

– Muscle spasms: Regular exercise can build up lactic acid in your muscles. This doesn’t usually cause problems, but if you’re pushing yourself, it can trigger muscle spasms (painful cramps). If you feel pangs coming on, stop what you’re doing immediately and rest until the pain subsides.

Stomach ache: Poor posture during exercise can cause other types of stomach aches. For example, People who do many sit-ups or crunches often complain that this hurts their tummy. Poor posture also causes backaches, so stand up straight when exercising.

Why does my Stomach hurt when I Exercise? 3

What exercises or physical activities will not cause pain or discomfort?

Nothing with high intensity or duration is comfortable! Therefore, it is advisable to avoid intense exercise.

But if you cannot help it, keep in mind the following tips:

– Warm up before exercising, and stretch your muscles afterward.

– Saunter when jogging or running, walk uphill when climbing stairs, and increase the treadmill’s speed when exercising on an inclined surface.

Don’t tense your stomach muscles while doing sit-ups. Keep them soft and flexed (e.g., sitting in an imaginary chair). This will protect your back, too.

– Bend sideways at the waist (not forward) when touching your toes during stretching exercises.

Also, see whether certain positions make it hurt more—for example, bending over may be worse than standing upright with straight legs. In that case, do crouching squats instead of jumping squats.

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