What is Bone-Strengthening Exercise?
Bone strengthening exercise is an exercise that has been shown to increase bone density. It can include weight-bearing exercise, muscle-strengthening exercise, or both.
Is this Different from Strength Training?
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“Strength training” is an informal term for any activity that causes the muscles to contract against a resistance, such as free weights or machines at the gym. Strength training exercises such as these are designed to increase muscle strength and tone by repeatedly exerting and straining the muscle through its full range of motion.
Strength training can also include “dynamic effort,” which provides rapid acceleration of the load against gravity (such as during squats performed on a Smith machine). This form of contraction does not work your bones and is not considered “bone strengthening.”
What about weight lifting?
Weight lifting, a common form of strength training, works the muscles and has increased bone density in some studies. However, it is often overlooked that weight-lifting exercises do not usually cause bones to move or stretch against the resistance being applied through them.
Thus, they are considered muscle-strengthening exercises as opposed to bone-strengthening exercises.
How does exercise help my bones?
Weight-bearing exercise places stress on your bones, which stimulates new bone cells to be created and release calcium into your bloodstream. This increased blood flow helps deliver nutrients needed for healthy bones throughout the body.
Both muscle-strengthening and weight-bearing exercises can be beneficial, but there is no doubt that movement has the most impact on bone strength.
What kinds of weight-bearing exercises strengthen bones?
Weight-bearing exercises such as running, jogging, and jumping rope increase bone density. Other weight-bearing activities include stair climbing, hiking, resistance training (with free weights or machines), tennis, and racquetball.
Highly competitive sports such as soccer may also have a beneficial effect on BMD. In addition to engaging in these activities, studies suggest that adding strength training into your routine is a great way to improve athletic performance by increasing muscle strength and power.
However, according to Anthony Luke, professor of biomechanics and director of the University of Florida Running Medicine Clinic, muscle strengthening will not contribute to increased bone mass since “the muscles [aren’t] pulling against the skeleton.”
What activities strengthen muscles without building bone?
Muscle strengthening is essential for overall fitness but does not effectively prevent osteoporosis. The Surgeon General goes on to say that engaging in muscle-strengthening exercises such as push-ups may help improve your ability to perform weight-bearing activity — though they do not increase bone strength.
Can you tell me more about how exercise affects BMD? Which types of training should I be doing?
Studies have shown that any physical activity can build bone mass by stimulating new bone production. Recent research has suggested that there are critical periods in your life when it is imperative to take advantage of the opportunity to build bone mass through exercise.
Those 18-35 years old need high impact, weight-bearing activities four or more times per week. Those over 35 years should engage in moderate impact activity, such as walking or dancing for at least 150 minutes per week. For anyone with osteoporosis, however, even low-impact exercises may be beneficial.
It’s best to consult with your doctor before starting an exercise routine if you have any chronic health conditions or haven’t exercised regularly recently. Your doctor can help you determine what types of exercises are suitable for your body and lifestyle.
How does my BMI play a role in bone health?
Although there is no direct correlation between your BMI and how much bone mass you have, studies indicate that the more weight you carry, the more significant the impact on your bones. According to an article by Medline Plus, carrying extra weight “puts added stress on your joints and ligaments.
This added stress makes them work harder and tire faster.” The article says that when this increased workload stresses bones, they thicken to become stronger.
What if I’m underweight or overweight? Are there risks with these conditions? If so, what can I do about it?
There are many reasons why somebody may be underweight or overweight. These include diet, activity level, medical conditions, and medications. If you are underweight or overweight because of a medical condition affecting your weight, talk to your doctor about treatment options.
Inactivity also contributes to low bone mass and an increased risk of fracture. If working out at a gym seems intimidating, remember there are many ways to get physical activity. Try walking around your neighborhood after dinner each night or jogging on your lunch break.
You may want to consider joining a recreational sports league if you haven’t been active lately because this will provide motivation and accountability. Suppose you need extra help getting motivated. Try utilizing social media (such as Twitter/Instagram) to connect with other like-minded people.