Swine Flu – Symptoms – Test – vaccine Cost – Side effects – Treatment Prevention Tips

Swine Flu – Symptoms – Test – vaccine Cost – Side effects – Treatment Prevention Tips

What is Swine Flu – About Swine Flu – Swine Flu Wiki:

Swine Flu – Also said as.
Swine flu is Swine Influenza passed from pigs and their population. Swine Flu is also known as Pig Influenza, Pig Flu, Hog Flu, etc. However, the most common and famous name is Swine Flu – the flu which passes from SSwine.

What is Swine Flu
What is Swine Flu

How Swine Flu Spreads:

It does not spread from human to human, but we never know. The most common source and origin of the Influenza virus is Pigs. People living around pigs are more likely to be infected by Swine Flu. Moreover, in such ways, it spreads from one to another.

The influenza A virus has suddenly become one of the non-curable diseases. According to a survey, 4% of pigs die because they have been infected with the Influenza virus. Moreover, it is surprising that Pigs do not show any symptoms of Swine Flu. Hence, throughout the world, most pigs have been vaccinated against Swine Flu viruses.


Influenza has infected humans:

After pigs, humans are affected by the Influenza virus, and their lives are on the line. The rate of affected people is yet not known, as Swine Flu is spreading rapidly everywhere. Detecting swine flu symptoms is all doctors do, and they do not find it as difficult as the symptoms.

The symptoms of Swine Flu are the most common illness. They include Illness, Sore Throat, Joint Pain, Bodyaches, Chills, Cough, and General discomfort. All these symptoms are common and general, which anyone can experience in daily life. That is why knowing Swine Flu symptoms and curing them is so challenging. Swine flu is rarely detected and rapidly spreads dangerous illnesses.

Moreover, there is no specific vaccine for humans against Swine Flu. Death is the fastest and most common occurrence when one gets infected by Swine Flu. However, there are a few medicines that cure symptoms of Swine Flu, and they can handle it. However, exact vaccinations or medications are not yet available. There are some swine flu tests carried out through several hospitals, but there is no proper cure for Swine Flu.

To prevent Swine Flu spreading:

  • Avoid public places like malls, theaters, Traffic, etc.
  • Keep your surroundings clean.
  • Keep your hands clean.
  • Keep tissue when you sneeze.
  • Immediately remove such used tissues.
  • Do not meet so many people at a time
  • Regularly wash your hands with sanitizer
  • Keep washing your hands more often

These are symptoms of Swine Flu and things to do to prevent it from spreading. Follow all these necessary steps and keep everything around you cleaner. By doing so, we can prevent Swine Flu from spreading. However, if you or anyone near you have any symptoms of Swine Flu, immediately contact the nearest hospital and get all the swine flu tests done.

What is Swine Flu – About Swine Flu – Swine Flu Wiki

Swine Flu Symptoms – Symptoms of Swine Flu:

Currently, Swine Flu is spreading faster than any other disease. It has become a serious illness across The World, especially in India. The number of patients suffering from Swine Flu is increasing rapidly. All of us should be very careful about Swine Flu, as It is a deadly disease, and the number of people dying from It is increasing faster than ever.

Most of the people who were affected by the Swine Flu died immediately. There are very few individuals who survive Swine Flu these days. Whoever gets the positive report of their Swine Flu Tests suddenly undergoes mental stress and immediately dies.

We should know all the symptoms of Swine Flu and should prevent them. By knowing the symptoms, we can be safe and prevent Swine Flu viruses from entering our bodies. Moreover, if we come in contact with any of the symptoms of swine flu in our bodies, we should immediately contact the nearest hospital.

List of Swine Flu Symptoms – Symptoms of Swine Flu:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Sore Throat
  • Headache
  • Body Aches
  • Chills
  • Fatigue

Following is a little information about everything.

Swine Flu Symptoms in India

  • Cough:
    If you have a minor or more cough, immediately consult a doctor. That normal cough might lead you to Swine Flu. A cough is a general sickness that anyone has in their everyday life. However, these days, a minor cough can be a symptom of Swine Flu.
  • Fever:
    Fever can catch anyone due to a weak schedule or weather change. However, it might be a symptom of Swine Flu. Whenever you feel like a Fever, immediately contact your doctor and get general medicine for the fever. Moreover, get some Swine Flu tests if the medicine does not feel better.

Symptoms of swine flu in adults

  • Stuffy Nose:
    When people have a stuffy nose, they think that it is normal, but these days, a Stuffy Nose has become one of the major symptoms of Swine Flu.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Swine Flu by Swami Ramdev

  • A sore throat:
    If you have a sore throat, you might think it is a general sore throat, but it is actually an illness leading to Swine Flu. Some people have sore throat problems in their routine lives, but if you feel like that, then you might want to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of swine flu in children

  • Headache:
    A headache is the most common routine sickness. Most people have headache problems due to their busy schedules, long work nights, more work stress, etc. However, if the Headache does not go away with general painkillers, then consider visiting your doctor.
  • Body Aches:
    An overall workout might cause body aches and joint pain, and an irregular workout might also cause body aches. However, more pain in your body and unusual body aches are signs of Swine Flu.
  • Chills:
    When suddenly your body feels Cold. Alternatively, sudden coldness in your entire body might lead to Swine Flu. Such a sudden cold feeling is a symptom of Swine Flu.

Symptoms of swine flu in kids

  • Fatigue:
    The continuous busy schedule might lead to fatigue. Some people experience fatigue throughout their daily routine, which might be an indication of Swine Flu symptoms.

All of the above-mentioned sicknesses are types of Swine Flu symptoms. If you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above or more symptoms, then immediately consult your nearest hospital and get several Swine Flu tests.

Tags: swine flu symptoms, symptoms of swine flu, symptoms of swine flu in adults, swine flu symptoms India, what are the symptoms of swine flu, swine flu symptoms in Hindi, swine flu symptoms in children in kids

Swine flu vaccine cost – Cost of swine flu vaccine in India:

Over the past few months, several vaccines have been available to fight against Swine flu. Some government hospitals are providing these facilities for swine flu vaccine. People can get these swine flu vaccines at the minimum possible cost. There are variations in swine flu vaccine charges for Children and Adults. So, people of various age groups should get the swine flu vaccine per the doctor’s prescription.

Swine flu vaccine charge:

The cost of a swine flu vaccine for a child is about 510 rupees, while for an adult, it is 450 rupees. Sources also state that these are the subsidized costs, where the actual cost for each swine flu vaccine is 760 rupees. However, as everyone can afford it, these charges are subsidized at minimal cost.

People who can receive FREE vaccine are:

  • Anyone 65 years of age and over
  • All Indigenous people 15 years of age and over
  • All pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy
  • Anyone over 6 months of age with medical conditions that increase their risk of severe influenza*.
  • People with medical conditions that increase their risk of severe influenza. Medical conditions include:
    • Cardiac disease
    • Chronic respiratory conditions
    • Chronic illnesses
    • Chronic neurological condition
    • People with impaired immunity and
  • Children aged 6 months to 10 years having long term aspirin therapy.

*Note: For children aged between 6 months and 10 years Fluvax should not be used.

Swine flu vaccine cost—the cost of swine flu vaccine in India.

Precautions of Swine Flu:

There are many precautions that we can take in our routine lives to stay safe from Swine Flu. All these are handy and very simple precautions. Also, we can help others by suggesting these precautions. Here is the full list of precautions for Swine flu. Take a look at all these swine flu precautions and work them out in your daily life to stay safe from Swine flu.

  • If you are sick, you better Be home:
    If you feel sad and sick, you have better chill at home. You need to take a rest on such a busy day. Whenever you feel ill, take a rest. HomeourHomee and do not go on doing more work. Don’t take on the workload.

 Precautions of Swine Flu Tips

  • Are you getting more sneezing – coughing?
    Always cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing. Whenever you get a cough, cover your mouth and immediately dispose of the used tissue. Also, get some medications for coughing.
  • Wash your hands frequently:
    Wash your hands frequently with hand sanitizer or soap. If possible, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer and wash your hands often.
  • Often clean mainly used things:
    HomeourHomee, keep cleaning and mainly washing used items, including Doors, Windows, Door knobs, remote controls, floor, etc. These are the surfaces that contain viruses, and they live there. Hence, cleaning all these things is the most important thing.
  • Avoid crowds:
    If you go to any public place like a Mall, Theatre, Bus station, Railway station, etc., think for a while and, if possible, avoid all these places. These places have crowds. Some people might be the carriers of the Swine Flu virus. Moreover, there is a higher chance of being affected in such ed places.
  • Do not eat outside food: Home at Home. Prefer to eat only homemade food rather than street food or any other packed food items. There are fewer chances of being infected by homemade food at Homee. Also, keep washing all the vegetables and fruits that you buy from the market.
  • Keep visiting your doctor:
    You should visit your family doctor regularly. Also, check your general health and get regular checkups as time passes.

Precautions for Swine flu – Precautions of Swine Flu

Swine flu is spreading very fast, so we all need to take some precautions against it. If everyone continues to take these precautions, fewer people will be affected by it. Also, these precautions against swine flu are certainly easy and can be used in our day-to-day lives. We take care of several things; by doing them, we can easily be safe from swine flu and flu viruses.

List of precautions for swine flu:

Stay away from crowds:
One of the best and easiest ways to avoid swine flu viruses, i.e., H1N1 Influenza viruses, is to stay away from crowds. Also, do not go out in public places. Most people who have swine flu viruses in their bodies soon become carriers and spread these dangerous viruses into their surroundings.

Feeling sick? Home home:
Whenever you feel sick, you had better go home and rest. There are many common symptoms of swine flu from which swine flu can be tracked. Hence, if you have any of them, stay home, take primary medicines, and soon contact the nearest doctor.

Often clean mainly used things:
HomeourHomee, keep cleaning and mainly washing used items, including Doors, Windows, Door knobs, remote controls, floor, etc. These are the surfaces that contain viruses, and they live there. Hence, cleaning all these things is the most critical aspect.

Precautions of Swine Flu

Avoid crowds:
If you go to any public place like a Mall, Theatre, Bus station, Railway station, etc., think for a while and, if possible, avoid all these places. These places have crowds, and some might be carriers of the Swine Flu virus. Moreover, there is a higher chance of being affected in such crowded places.

Do not eat outside food: Home at Home. Prefer to eat only homemade food rather than street food or any other packed food items. There are fewer chances of being infected by homemade food at Homee. Also, keep washing all the vegetables and fruits that you buy from the market.

Keep visiting your doctor:
You should visit your family doctor regularly. Also, check your general health and get regular checkups as time passes.

Keep washing your hands more often:
Swine flu viruses spread through different surfaces, mainly through the air. Moreover, when more people touch the same things, viruses come in contact with things like Doorknobs, Remote Controls, etc. Hence, it would be best if you kept your hands clean. Everyone should wash their hands with hand sanitizer or soap.

Are you getting more sneezing – coughing?:

Always cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing. Whenever you get a cough, cover your mouth and immediately dispose of the used tissue. Also, get some medications for coughing.

Keep your mouth and nose covered when going out:
As we all know, swine flu viruses spread through the air. We should cover our noses and mouths so that these viruses do not enter our bodies through these major parts.

Swine flu prevention and treatment, swine flu prevention tips, swine flu treatment and prevention, swine flu prevention:

As swine flu is spreading faster, we all need to prevent it from spreading as much as possible. There are several steps that can be applied in our everyday lives, and we can prevent swine flu from spreading around us.

  • Keep washing hands frequently:
    After a few minutes, keep washing your hands with sanitizer or soap. Washing hands with time helps us remove bacteria and viruses from our hands.

Swine flu Prevention:

  • Stay home if you feel sick:
    As we know, the symptoms of swine flu are general, including Headaches, Chills, and Bodyaches. Hence, we cannot figure out whether they are swine flu symptoms or general illness. So, if you are sick, you better stay home rather than meet various people on a busy schedule. It will feel better to stay home and get relaxed.
  • Get your surroundings clean:
    Whenever you get time, make everything clean. Keep cleaning most touching things like Door knobs, windows, remote controls, napkins, keys, etc. Also, keep your clothes fresh and clean.

Swine flu Prevention Tips:

  • Cover your mouth while coughing/sneezing:
    If you have cough problems and you go on getting sneezes, cover your mouth and prevent viruses from spreading from the sneeze. Also, when you cough, cover your nose and mouth. Moreover, keep washing your hands after sneezing/ coughing.
  • Avoid meeting more people:
    Do not go out longer; avoid meeting more people in various public places. From different people, some of them might be infected by H1N1 Influenza viruses. Hence, your chances of being infected by such people are higher in certain public places.

Swine flu Prevention and Treatment:

  • Take more care for Children under 5:
    It has been reported that children under the age of 5 rapidly catch Swine flu viruses more than ordinary humans. Hence, keep your children around you. Don’t let them go out surrounded by more people/ children.
  • Taking therapy sessions/ continuous medications?:
    People taking regular medicines for extended periods might catch faster than ordinary humans. Also, people who are taking any therapy for long-term diseases might get captured by Swine flu immediately. Such people should get swine flu tests done by the passing of time.

Swine flu prevention and treatment, swine flu prevention tips, swine flu treatment and prevention, swine flu prevention

Swine Flu Treatment – Swine Flu Treatment at Home:

There is no specific treatment or medicine for Swine Flu. However, for symptoms of swine flu, doctors can prescribe several medications and some regarding treatments. Through such medicines, symptoms of swine flu can be cured. Moreover, there might be no further risks.

Medicines for Swine Flu: 
To minimize several swine flu symptoms, doctors might prescribe you some medications. A few anti-viral drugs include oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). These medicines will help you reduce swine flu symptoms and their effects when prescribed by a doctor. However, they also might cause several side effects to your body. Other than these, there are no specific medications for swine flu.

Swine flu Treatment – Treatment for swine home at home

Treatment for Swine Flu:
Today, there are no specific treatments for Swine flu patients. People affected by Swine Flu viruses might just meet death if the viruses have infected them so much. However, if the symptoms are less and the patient has just been infected, then such patients can be given medication to minimize the effects of symptoms. These days, there are so many positive cases of people affected by H1N1 Influenza, i.e., Swine Flu. Moreover, lots of people die due to Swine Flu.

Swine flu treatment in India – Ayurvedic treatment for swine flu

High chances of being infected by Swine Flu are for:

  • Aged people older than 65 years,
  • Children younger than two years,
  • Pregnant women within two weeks of delivery
  • Younger than 19 years – suffering from long-term therapy of medicines
  • People suffering from long-term diseases
  • Have certain medical conditions, including Asthma, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Blood Disease
  • People suffering from Kidney problems

Swine flu vaccine side effects – flu vaccine side effects

There are several side effects of medicines for swine flu. Some of the most common side effects of swine flu vaccine are:

  • Pain, swelling
  • Redness at the injection place
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Joints pain

Not everyone who gets the swine flu vaccine feels the side effects. However, certain people feel the same side effects. The most common side effects are Headache and redness at the injection site.

For children, the most common side effects after the vaccination are Poor appetite, irritability, fever, etc.

It is essential to report Swine flu vaccine side effects:

As we all know, Swine flu has become rapidly spreading deadly disease, anything regarding Swine flu is most important. There are some medications and vaccines available for Swine flu. However, they also leave a few side effects behind them. Hence, any side effects of the swine flu vaccine should be reported to the nearest doctor as soon as possible.

Also, if there are any extreme side effects of the swine flu vaccine, then immediately contact the nearest doctor/ hospital. Such extreme side effects might result in swine flu, and through such side effects, Influenza viruses multiply themselves in the affected person’s body.

The H1N1 vaccine, i.e., the Swine flu vaccine, has been reported safe by most doctors, although they leave such side effects. Moreover, such side effects might lead to some severe conditions. That is why side effects are meant to be relaxed as soon as possible.

Swine flu vaccine side effects – flu vaccine side effects Swine flu vaccine side effects  flu vaccine side effects  flu shot side effects  side effects of flu shot  side effects of flu vaccine

Causes of Swine Flu – Causes of Swine Flu disease In India & Humans:

There are various causes through which Swine flu spreads. However, the main thing is, Swine flu spreads from Pigs to human and human to human. Moreover, Swine flu spreads more. Once, Swine flu i.e. Influenza virus has been spread onto anyone, that virus multiplies by its own, and the symptoms of Swine Flu are caused more.

Main Causes of Swine Flu:

  • Spreads through sneeze
  • Spreads through most used things like Door knobs, tables,
  • Coughing
  • Touching germ infected surfaces/ things and then touching eyes-nose

These are the most common causes of swine flu. Everyone should remember all these causes and prevent touching infected surfaces. Swine flu viruses spread just through a simple sneeze and affect other people. Also, coughing might result in swine flu. Through coughing, more viruses spread. Swine flu is contagious. It can easily be spread anywhere through an infected person.

Tags: causes of swine flu, causes of swine flu disease, causes of swine flu in India, causes of swine flu in humans, what are the causes of swine flu, causes of swine flu virus, causes of h1n1 swine flu, causes of swine flu in Hindi.

How does sSwineflu spread – how swine flu spreads In humans In India

The swine flu virus, i.e., H1N1 and H3N2v Influenza virus, spread through various mediums through the virus carrier. Here is a brief list of all these mediums from where swine flu spreads.

How does swine flu spread?

  • Influenza viruses spread mainly through pigs affected by swine flu. People living around these affected pigs are said to be affected soon by these pigs.
  • If any swine flu virus has spread like this and anyone has been affected by these viruses from pigs – they will suddenly feel coughing and aches throughout the entire body. Also, great chills will be felt in the body.
  • Moreover, in such a way, swine flu viruses spread from pig to human.
  • Also, other than these, swine flu viruses can be spread from humans to humans through many mediums.
  • An affected human will spread swine flu viruses through sneezing, coughing, etc.

So, these are various mediums through which the swine flu viruses spread, and other people also get affected by them. Hence, we all should remember these mediums and take all the necessary precautions to be safe from swine flu.

Swine Flu Symptoms First Signs & Tips

Swine flu has become the most dangerous and has spread deadly disease faster in the past few months. Many people are affected by the Influenza viruses of Swine flu. Once people come to the effects of H1N1 influenza viruses, they continue to be affected by the viruses more, as they can be multiplied by themselves. Hence, immediately contact the nearest doctor whenever you know the primary symptoms of Swine flu.

Here are some of the Swine flu symptoms first signs:

  • Pneumonia is inflammation inside the lungs caused by some Influenza viruses and related fungi.
  • Other swine flu symptoms include fever and cough. Sudden fever is one of the most common signs of first symptoms of swine flu. Moreover, along with fever, cough is also caused without any specific reason.
  • Shortness of breath felt without any hard work or a busy schedule—sudden shortness of breath.
  • Chill in various body parts is also one of the first signs of swine flu.
  • The most common first symptoms of swine flu are headache, fatigue, entire body aches, runny nose, and sore throat.

All the signs mentioned above are the first evidence of swine flu. If you or any of your family members are feeling any or more of these signs, you need to contact the nearest doctor immediately. Moreover, all the swine flu tests should be done immediately.

Availability of swine flu vaccine in India, cost of swine flu vaccine in India, swine flu vaccine in India, swine flu vaccine in India side effects, swine flu vaccine India, vaccine for swine flu in India

Swine Flu Vaccine India is listed following for Indian doctors and hospitals. We listed the vaccine after some research and found six companies that manufacture it under government direction.

Type of drug For Swine Flu:-

  • tablet
  • capsule
  • syrup
  • cream
  • gel
  • ointment
  • liquid or injection
SNo Brand Name Combination Generics Manufacturers Type
1  Agripal Influenza Vaccine (A&B), H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) Chiron Panacea (Panacea Biotec Ltd) Injection
2  Fiuarix Influenza Vaccine (A&B), H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Injection
3  Influgen Influenza Vaccine (A&B), H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) Lupin Laboratories Ltd. Injection
4  Influvac Influenza Vaccine (A&B), H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) Solvay Pharma India Pvt Ltd Injection
5  Nasovac Influenza Vaccine (A&B), H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) Serum Institute of India Ltd. Injection
6  Vaxigrip Influenza Vaccine (A&B), H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) Sanofi Pasteur Injection
The availability of swine flu vaccine in India, the cost of swine flu vaccine in India, swine flu vaccine in India side effects, swine flu vaccine in India, and a vaccine for swine flu in India.

Swine flu test – Swine flu test Cost – Blood test for swine flu – Test for swine flu

There are several tests for detecting swine flu. However, as swine flu is a form of global flu and spreads like the general flu, it is challenging to detect it. Although doctors can detect swine flu, it is more difficult to diagnose it.

  • Units per kit: 20 test
  • Sample type: Nasal samples
  • Test time: 15 minutes
  • Storage: 2-30 °C (35-86 °F) Do Not Freeze

There are some tests available to detect the swine flu.

  • After this test, there are two results for that swine flu test, i.e., Negative and Positive.
  • If the result is negative, it means there is no swine flu; it is just the normal flu.
  • If a result is positive, it means there are chances of swine flu, which needs to be diagnosed soon.
  • Moreover, if the result is positive, there are two types: ninfluenzauenza A and Influeinfluenzafluenza A is very dangerous as it means Swine flu. In contrast, Influenza B means widespread flu, which can be diagnosed with some medications.

Swine flu vaccine name – Swine flu medications

These days, there are a few medications available for several common swine flu signs, and some of the swine flu vaccine is also available. We can get relaxed by taking these medications and vaccine. At some medical centers, these medications, along with the swine flu vaccine, are available. Moreover, they can be consumed with the doctor’s prescription.

Swine flu medications:

There are some medications available for the first signs and symptoms of swine flu. These common swine flu symptoms include Fever, Coughing, Body aches, and Chills. Doctors prescribe some medicines for these symptoms, and a person can feel relaxed with them. Moreover, then we can feel better.

Swine flu vaccine name:

The swine flu vaccine and medications are available at several government hospitals. The vaccine is called the H1N1 influenza virus vaccine, and it fights against swine flu.

The H1N1 influenza virus vaccine, which is a live virus vaccine, can be given as a nasal spray.

Also, this swine flu vaccine can be given as an injection into a specific part of the body.