Is massage therapy as helpful as you think it to be?
Massage is a pleasure for everyone. Touch therapy can prove very relaxing, both mentally and physically. Massage helps ease tension, enhances your senses, and is even helpful in meditation.
What impact does it have?
The word massage generally brings goosebumps to everyone, but have you ever experienced its adverse effects on your body? Yes, massage therapy possesses some risks in addition to its positive impact.
It is not perfect for everyone; hence, before going for massage therapy, one needs to ensure he is under professional supervision. People who have cancer, arthritis, blood clots, fractures, and pregnant women are especially asked not to undertake massage as a relaxing option. Here are some of the adverse effects that massage can have on your body:
- Injury to the nerves
Massage therapy may impact your nerves if not done correctly. Nerve strain is a common complaint resulting in damaged nerves due to improper massage. This may occur when the massage therapist applies continuous pressure on a particular area, resulting in nerve contraction and thus interfering with the flow of blood.
- Fractures
People who have arthritis or osteoporosis are easy victims of fractured bones when it comes to improper massage techniques. Women who suffer from osteoporosis have very brittle and weak bones. Bones that are in the healing process also tend to break during massage. People undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy also have brittle bones; therefore, it is advisable for them to avoid massage.
- Internal bleeding
Haemophiliac people can have complaints of internal bleeding after massage therapy involving untrained professionals. It can also prove to be life-threatening for them because their body does not have any mechanism for clotting. Intense blood pressure can cause the blood vessels to rupture, which may lead to interstitial fluid leakage and edema.
Below are some of the additional risks that massage therapy possesses. These problems may not be threatening or as serious as the above-mentioned ones, but they may surely hamper an individual’s life and cause a lot of pain in carrying out daily tasks.
- Due to the intense pressure that is applied during massage therapy, muscle pain can be generated, which may not be a permanent problem but is very painful.
- If not done correctly, massage therapy can lead to bruising and swelling of the body parts.
- Oils used in massage therapies are not suitable for every individual. The oil that is good for one can be allergic to another. People can develop allergies due to the oil used in massage therapy.
- An untrained professional is not aware of the intensity of pressure that is needed to be applied to a particular body part. Due to his ill techniques, he may well develop cramps in your body, which may even lead to muscular stretches.
- Getting poisoned after massage therapy is also a common ill effect that many individuals have these days. This generally happens after a long massage session, making it very easy for the oil to seep inside your body easily.
Yes, massage is a very relaxing and tension-relieving technique for the human body, but the fact is that if not practiced on a very professional note, massage can be painful.