Homemade Overnight Hair Mask
Introduction: Everybody wants to possess beautiful, long, and shining black hair. Some girls and ladies are lucky enough to have lustrous hair that envies everyone. But it is difficult to maintain hair’s beauty. Sometimes, it loses luster with time. Environmental pollution, sun exposure, excess heat in summer, and chemicals in shampoos damage hair.
Changing hair products and shampoos every six months also damages the hair. People try different kinds of commercial products to control the damage and restore the lost shine and luster, but everything goes in vain as the chemicals and synthetic compounds cause even more damage to the hair and cause hair loss.
Hair Mask Treatment:
Table of Contents
There are many treatments available that can return the lost length and luster. Saloons provide many treatments, including protein treatment, but they take a lot of money and are very expensive. Women have used many homemade remedies and masks since olden times, which bring back the natural beauty of hair. These homemade remedies also help to treat hair dryness, grow long hair, add bounce, and check dandruff and aching of the scalp. These remedies treat all problems of hair. Homemade remedies are cheap, and most ingredients can be available in the kitchen or nearby grocery shop. They also do not cause any side effects. Acupressure mats are also helpful for hair loss.
Homemade overnight masks: Many vegetables and oils are effective in controlling hair damage. They naturally make hair strong and long. To get the best results, they can be applied to hair for some hours or overnight. If your hair has been damaged by environmental reasons like pollution and sun exposure, homemade remedies are best for you. If you dye your hair regularly and use heat as a hair styling tool, an overnight mask can help protect your tresses much better than one used for a few minutes.
A natural hair mask greatly improves the overall quality and appearance of your scalp and strands. Regular use of these masks completely wards off all hair problems. Wash your hair before applying the remedies. Apply the mask to wet hair.
1. Aloe vera and olive oil mask: Aloe vera is considered a miracle plant. It has many benefits. It is a skincare product and a good hair mask. Aloe vera gel can be extracted from home, as it is grown in many houses for its medicinal uses. Aloe vera gel or juice is also available in cosmetic shops. For making the remedy, take about four to five tea spoons of aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is present inside the leaf.
The leaf can be cut from the middle, and gel can be poured into the bottle. Take 3-4 teaspoons of olive oil and heat it for 8 to 10 seconds. Now add olive oil to the aloe vera gel. Also, add 2-3 teaspoons of egg yolk to the mixture. Apply the mixture to your brittle and lusterless hair with a hairbrush and leave it overnight. Wrap a towel on the hair to prevent staining. Wash the mask in the morning with a mild shampoo and cold water. Follow this remedy every week to get the best results. This remedy will improve hair texture and make it shine.
2. take one spoonful of honey and a glass of raw milk from a table for an overnight homemade milk and honey hair mask. Mix both well and apply to your hair. Then, put on the shower cap. Leave it overnight. Rinse it off and wash your hair with mild shampoo in the morning. This remedy will turn your hair silky and soft.
3. Coconut oil, egg white, and almond milk overnight. Homemade hair mask: Take two tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl. Add three tablespoons of egg white to it. Now add four tablespoons of almond milk to it. Mix all the ingredients properly and apply the mask on the hair evenly. Wrap the hair with a clean and dry towel. Keep the mask overnight. Rinse off it with a mild shampoo and cold water in the morning. This remedy is very beneficial for dry and damaged hair. If the hair is severely damaged, apply this remedy daily. This remedy does not bring any side effects but leaves your hair shiny and full of luster.
4. Banana and honey mask for hair: The ingredients used are given below:
1-Mashed banana, 1- egg, three tablespoons of milk, three tablespoons of honey, and five tablespoons of olive oil.
Procedure: Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix them well. Leave the paste for half an hour. Apply the mask evenly to the hair with a hair brush. Leave the mask overnight and wrap it with a clean and dry towel. Rinse it off in the morning with mild shampoo and cold water. This remedy works well on damaged and dry hair.
Bananas and honey act as natural moisturizers. This remedy can be followed twice a week to ward off dryness and hair loss.
5. Egg mask: This remedy is effective for all hair types. Egg white is recommended for oily hair, while whole egg suits normal to dry hair. Take a bowl. Add egg white or whole egg according to your hair type. Add 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice. You can take one or two eggs, depending on the length of your hair. Mix the ingredients well and apply the mask to your hair. Wrap the hair with a clean and dry towel. Leave the mask overnight to ward off all hair problems. Rinse off in the morning with cold water and mild shampoo. This remedy is considered a good protein treatment for your hair because the egg is the best source of protein.
Egg mask acts as a moisturizer for hair. Egg whites are full of bacteria-eating enzymes and cleanse your hair and scalp. This remedy is good for hair growth and adds bounce to hair. It also makes hair shiny and lustrous.
6. Banana and avocado hair mask: The following are the ingredients for this remedy:
One-half cup of banana, one-half cup of avocado, one-fourth cup of cantaloupe, one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, and one tablespoon of yogurt.
Procedure: Take a blender. Add all the ingredients. Make a smooth paste. Add vitamin E oil by squeezing 2 to 3 capsule contents into the smoothie. Massage your hair with the smoothie. Leave the mask overnight. Wrap it with a clean and dry towel. Rinse it in the morning with a mild shampoo and cold water. Apply this remedy once a week to remove all hair problems. Avocado is a perfect hair mask for frizzy hair.
7. Castor oil and beer overnight mask: Take one tablespoon of castor oil in a bowl . Add one tablespoon of beer to it. Now add one egg yolk and one tablespoon of honey. Mix the ingredients well and apply them to your hair evenly. Wrap the hair with a clean and dry hair. Keep the mask overnight and rinse it off in the morning with mild shampoo and cold water. Eggs will add volume to the hair and improve its texture. This remedy is good to ward off the problem of hair loss. This also makes hair shiny and lustrous.
Conclusion: The above remedies are very beneficial for all hair-related problems. Apply them regularly to ward off hair problems completely.