What are the Benefits of Plank Exercise?
Benefits of Plank Exercise
The Plank is a core exercise that trains the abdominals, lower back, and hip muscles.
Doing it regularly can contribute to developing a solid trunk and a well-toned body.
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1) POSITION: Assume the push-up position with your weight resting on your forearms and toes (bend your knees if this variation of the Plank is too difficult). Keep your arms straight while supporting yourself on your toes by actively contracting your calves while pointing your feet towards each other so they are slightly turned outwards.
Ensure that your spine is neutral and that you are not always arching your back.
2) FORM: Hold the position for 30-60 seconds. Keep your abdominal muscles pulled in so your back remains straight, and don’t let your hips sag or rise toward the ceiling.
3) TECHNIQUE: To make the Plank more challenging, slowly lift one foot off the ground while keeping your core engaged. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then switch legs.
4) PROGRESSION: Once you can hold the Plank for 60 seconds with good form, you can progress to more advanced variations. Try elevating one arm off the ground (balancing on the one hand), doing a push-up during the Plank, or adding a side plank to the mix.
5) PROGRESS: As you get stronger, you can increase the time you hold the Plank. Try working up to 5 minutes or more.
6) AID: The Plank can be performed as an aid drill with other exercises, such as squats, lunges, and push-ups.
7) VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Watch an example of performing the Plank correctly.
8) EBOOK DOWNLOAD: Download our ebook on planking to learn more about its benefits and how to progress in this exercise.
9) BLOG ARCHIVE: Read more articles about the benefits of planking and other core exercises.
10) FORUM: Join in on the discussion about planking.
11) PROGRESS CHARTS: Download our free printable PDF to track your progress with the Plank. It’s available here.
12) PLANK WORKOUT PLAN: Check out our free downloadable sample workout plan that uses the Plank as an aid exercise to strengthen other activities, such as squats and push-ups.
How does plank exercise make the body healthy?
Table of Contents
The Plank is a valuable core exercise that trains the abdominals, hips, and back muscles. Doing this regularly can lead to a more substantial trunk and a better-looking body.
The Plank is done in a static position, where you hold your body weight on your forearms and toes. Ensure you maintain a straight-back posture, and don’t let your hips sag or rise toward the ceiling. To make the Plank harder, lift one foot off the ground at a time while keeping your core engaged.
Once you can hold the Plank for 60 seconds with good form, you can progress to more advanced variations, like elevating one arm off the ground or doing a push-up during the Plank. As you get stronger, increase the time you hold the Plank to 5 minutes or more.
Try doing the Plank on your forearms (elbows under shoulders) or one arm (balancing on one hand) for an even more significant challenge. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute before switching components.
The Plank is an excellent exercise because it trains the abdominals and back muscles while stabilizing the body’s joints. It supports good posture and helps prevent injury by strengthening the trunk stabilizers. Doing planks regularly can contribute to developing a solid and flexible core.
This is why Personal Trainers now recommend that their clients include planks as part of their ab workouts, whether looking to lose weight, improve sports performance, or tone up.
Will plank reduce belly fat?
The Plank is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. While you hold the plank position, your body needs to work hard to maintain all the joints’ stability. This exercise can certainly help promote weight loss by increasing the core temperature and burning more calories.
However, performing planks regularly will not melt away belly fat unless you combine them with a healthy diet and other forms of cardiovascular exercise. To reduce or eliminate that stubborn belly fat, most people need to do cardio workouts regularly that rev up their heart rate significantly, which will lead to burning more calories throughout the day even when they are at rest (also known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).
Will Plank give me six-pack abs?
The Plank is an excellent exercise for developing the abdominal muscles, but it will not give you six-pack abs if that is your only focus. To see your abs, it would be best to reduce your body fat percentage by doing cardio exercises and eating a healthy diet. Planks are just one piece of the puzzle and should be done with other activities targeting the entire body.
What are some alternatives to the Plank?
If you’re looking for an alternative to the Plank, many exercises can help build strength in the trunk and promote good posture. Our favorites include Pilates Scissor Abs, Swiss Ball Rollouts, and Bird Dogs. For more ideas, check out our article 10 Ab Exercises You’re Probably Not Doing.